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Title: iNavX 2.0.5 is now available

Changes include:

In addition to selecting "New Waypoint" in the "Waypoints" view, single-tapping on the chart will allow a waypoint to be created at the tapped position.

Previous lat,lon and zoom scale restored for each chart.

"Position" button on the "Port Search" view will list all ports within 100 Nm. Ports will be sorted by distance.

"Disable Auto-Lock" in the "Setup" menu can be enabled to disable automatic screen lock. Lock button can still be used.

Use the Camera button on the "Waypoint" view to assign a picture to the waypoint.

Improved object info for Navionics charts.

Exported Routes use their name as the filename on X-traverse.

Reverse Route button on "Route" view button bar.

Waypoints & Routes can be imported and exported as Google Earth KMZ format.

"Port Search" in "Waypoints" view for CHS charts added.

"TCT:" in the "Instruments" view will not include Expired Targets.

Hilton's Fishing Charts added to "Add More Charts To Menu".

Type: in the AIS Target Info view more complete.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks, this is fantastic.

I'd been waiting a while for this. It works really well (we used it during a race around inner Sydney Harbour on the weekend, and the screen lock over-ride meant we had a full record of our course).

How often does the iPhone/iNavX record a position? Overlaying our course onto Google Earth, there looked to be a few instances where it doesn't show us going quite as far as we think we did (ie, mark rounding, sailing close to a headland before a last-minute tack).
iNavX records a track position about every second, however if an accurate position ("HPE:" > 600') is not available then it will not record. I don't believe screen lock should not disable iNavX from recording a track position.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

Can iNavX/Ipod touch relay the data from iNavX?
When iNavX is using NMEA via TCP/IP it acts as a client. It cannot act in the capacity as a NMEA server. MacENC can be a NMEA TCP/IP server as can an PC running GPSGate.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
iNavX 2.0.5 is the latest. iNavX 2.0.6 will be submitted to Apple in the next few days.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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