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Title: How to transfer Routes and Waypoints to Garmin 440s
I never had a problem transferring routes and waypoints from GPSNavX to my Garmin 12/76/128. I just bought a Garmin 440s and after reading the manual bought an SD card and read/writer to transfer files. I've tried all three formats and while the 440 says it's received the information the routes are not there.

I've searched the site and found something about a .adm format for Garmin, but no real solution for the problem. Has anyone figured this out?

The 440s is much too small for route planning, I just want to use my iBook for this.

I recommend you check with Garmin if it will support GPX format via the card, however I believe only .ADM format is supported. .ADM format is only available from Garmin Windows software - HomePort. Hopefully a Mac version is in the works ..


The other option is to transfer waypoints via NMEA. Interface the Garmin 440s to your Mac and use Type 'Other' in the GPS panel Settings drawer. Each waypoint will be transferred via the $GPWPL NMEA data message.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
This will be interesting. I also just purchased and installed a Class B AIS and I'm using the AIS' GPS to provide the nav data for GPSNavX. It works great with a baud rate of 38400. Will the software accept inputs from two GPS units? I was hoping to leave one usb port open.

With the my old Garmins 12/76/128, it was easy to transfer routes, waypoints and tracks directly. I'll try the direct connect and see if the Garmin 440 accepts the routes.

Yes you can connect both a stand-alone GPS and an AIS transponder/receiver. Just pick each respective port in the GPS panel Settings drawer and the AIS panel Settings drawer. Uncheck "Use GPS port".

When type is 'Other' in the GPS panel Settings drawer, GPSNavX will use the $GPWPL NMEA data to send Waypoints (not routes) to the interfaced GPS. If you see the UTC field update on the GPS panel, then the GPS is interfaced correctly.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I'm at a stand still on this at the moment. I was able to download a software upgrade to the Garmin 440s using virtual PC and an SD card to transfer it to the Chartplotter. It loaded without a problem, then the &*#@ thing crashed and froze. The new chartplotter is now in Kansas for repairs.

When it comes back I will try attaching a DB9 plug to the NMEA in and out wires of the 440s. I'll see what happens when I try to transfer routes from GpsNavX through my Keyspan adapter. It has always worked this way with my Garmin 12/76/128 maybe it's as simple as that, I'll see what happens and report it here.

In the meantime my discussions with the Software Customer Service at Garmin have be less than satisfactory. They basically said they don't support Mac users. I was seriously offended and told them as much.

Thanks for the help so far.
Do make sure you set the Type is "Other" in the GPS panel Settings drawer. This way NMEA data will be used to transfer the waypoints.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for your help. My Garmin 440 was returned and I've had a bit more time to work with it.

I was successful in wiring a DB9 serial plug and getting NMEA data into my iBook via a Keyspan serial/usb adapter. The GPS connects without a problem and a route built on the 440 displays and is saved to GPSNavX.

I have tried every combination to transfer routes from GPSNavX to the 440 I can think of without success. With the older Garmins, after you acknowledge that Garmin is selected on the GPS, the program shows the GPS model and software, before transfering the route. With the 440 in Garmin mode GPSNavX doesn't seem to recognize it and all I get is a spinning wheel and then after about 30 seconds it says, "Transfer incomplete."

I've tried setting type to "Other" in the GPSNavX GPS control settings and it says, "Transfer complete" but no waypoints or routes are transferred?

Connecting both a stand-alone GPS and an AIS transponder/receive to GPSNavX has not been a problem. I like the flexibility to use either one or both inputs.

I much prefer to do my route planning on in GPSNavX with a 12" display rather than a 4" screen. Is there another chartplotter that will accept GPSNavX routes, also displays AIS and doesn't cost an arm and leg?

Since the Garmin 440 does not support the Garmin proprietary protocol you are limited to transferring just waypoints via NMEA. This is done by selecting Type: "Other" in the GPS panel Settings drawer. Then select "Waypoints" menu -> "Transfer To" -> "GPS".

The only other option is to export the Route to a GPX file via the "Routes" -> "Transfer To" -> "GPX File", then run Garmin's Homeport software on Windows and import the GPX file then transfer to Garmin's proprietary route format on to a SD card that plugs into the Garmin 440.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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