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Title: iPad
I recently emailed Navionics who makes the app for the iphone asking if they have an app for the iPad or if it was in the works. I received a short email back stating that the app for the iPhone will work on the iPad (something I knew already...by just touching the "double pixel" button, it then fills the screen of the iPad.)

Does anyone have any info on current apps for navigation while using the iPad yet?

I'll email FUGAWI and see what they say...

iNavX 3.0.0 (to be released late April) will natively support iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. All current iNavX users will receive 3.0.0 as a free update.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I know of another navigation product coming out for the iPad - one that doesn't require pixel doubling in order to take advantage of the larger screen real estate. It'll fully work on the iPhone too - universal binary.

I think the whole navigation horizon for boating is about to change on the iPhone/iPad. A lot of the capabilities available currently are very low end. It's time the products did more and worked the way boaters expect. It isn't good enough to just display static, non-rotated, non-quilted charts with a GPS cursor in the center. It isn't good enough to have to leave an app in order to get something like tide and current info, especially current when it's most useful to display the indication over the chart. It isn't good enough to have a strange user-interface that makes more sense to the developer than the boater.

It's time for something new...
If you are looking for an app similar to MaxSeaTZ on iPhone/iPad, at the same price as iNavX, so ask Furuno, may be they will do it ! Cool
Active Captain, so what IS this other nav product you refer to???

And, since we're only days away from release of the ipad, any updated announcements from Navionics?

I've revisited the idea of an iPad, and it seems to me, even without GPS, it is still an amazingly inexpensive backup for paper charts and a lot more user friendly in the cockpit than a large, unwieldy, paper chart. An ipad plus several Navionics portfolios, for, say, the South Pacific and New Zealand, are a LOT cheaper than the equivalent color paper charts. Paper (originals) would cost pushing 2 grand, while the iPad plus the equivalent Navionics charts would be well under a grand. Am I missing something (other than trusting electronics on a boat, and some local requirements to have paper charts)?
jagasail Wrote:Active Captain, so what IS this other nav product you refer to???
Perhaps it need to be released.

There's a lot happening in this world. It's going to be a fun Summer.
There is a very cool way to use the iPad on the boat, get a serial to tcpip box, hook it up to your serial buss that has all your data on it, config the tcpip to some flat network "super easy, one sub net 192.168.1.xxx". Hook that up to some beater cheep wifi unit that has a configurable DHCP address range, name the ssid, point the iPad to it, and use iNavX. You now have a wireless instrument any place on the boat.

Yes any number of wireless serial to WiFi adapters will work. If one has MacENC aboard that can also be used..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Here's a preview of 3.0 on iPad specific release.
That's an old iPad simulator screen shot of iNavX 3.0.0. Some more up to date ones here ..



Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Looks great on my ipad even in the 2x iphone mode, so should be really great when it's native ipad.

Looks great on my ipad even in the 2x iphone mode, so should be really great when it's native ipad.

Looks great!

Does make me want an iPad 3G ;-)
I've got mine arriving tomorrow! So excited!!!
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
Impressive. How did you secure an iPad 3G before just about anybody else gets one?
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
OK.. I meant iPad wifi! Still I have to say that i'm seriously impressed with it!
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
Excellent! Interesting you didn't wait for 3G model with GPS receiver. Only US$129 more.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I will be picking up my 3G model tomorrow. Anxiously awaiting a true version of iNavx for my iPad....

Any updated timeline on availability?

David Morton
Mobile Communications
University of Washington
I am optimistic iNavX 3.0.0 will be available in the next week. Ultimately it is up to Apple. I wouldn't be surprised to see a rush of navigation applications submitted to Apple as the iPad 3G comes online. That could result in some delay. I have seen Apple approve iNavX updates in a few hours and other times approval has taken over a week.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The first thing you should do is install the free version of Navimatics. That is both an iPhone and native iPad app. You'll see how it works for the Seattle area. Their PNW version is available now too if you want to run something right away.

There are some nice advantages of the Navimatics product.
ActiveCaptain Wrote:...
There are some nice advantages of the Navimatics product.

Is this the app that was so trumpeted with much fanfare back in March?

I've not used Navimatics and there seem to no entries in it's forum, perhaps a brief description?
Is it just me or does Mr. Siegel have a problem with GPSNavX products? Seems he only reccomends other systems. Odd.
majkmil Wrote:Is it just me or does Mr. Siegel have a problem with GPSNavX products? Seems he only reccomends other systems. Odd.

For my own, I guess Mr Siegel has a problem with all apps discussed on this forum (AyeTides, iNavX, GPSNavX, aso) which come not from his ActiveCaptain blog. I think Mr Siegel gives an unpleasant pitch in this forum. What a pity. All apps have good and less good features, all app may be agree by one and not by another one. Nothing is perfect. But criticism has not to be blased, has to respect developers work, has to be constructive, not polemic.
Yeah, well, on to more productive things....

Looks like OtterBox is starting their iPad line.


I have a Defender case for my iPhone, not waterproof but very beefy and confidence-inspiring.

Anybody got their 3G yet????

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