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Title: Navionics for iPhone adds rotation
Navionics released an update of their iPhone app that now optionally rotates the chart as you're turning. This is a big step and a nice feature addition.

Personally, I think that chart rotation is a must-have feature for any navigation product.

Navionics also removed their satellite overlay mode for land areas. I was wondering how they were getting licensing on that. I guess they weren't.

Tides and currents are integrated and it looks like the latest data is included.

It's no wonder why Practical Sailor recommended the Navionics product over Memory-Map and iNavx. And that was even before this new release.
You saId the update was for iPhone, is it also for iPad? I have the Dec., 2010 app for iPad. Do I have to purchase a newer app issued in Feb., 2011 to get this feature or is there an update that will do it? I agree that heads up orientation is necessary. I had no idea it was not available when I bought it.
I have the very latest from Navionics app for iPad (Feb.09.11 v1.1.5) and it does not have a course up chart orientation option.

The Navionics iPhone app (Mar.22.11 v1.1.8) does have course up chart rotation, but it is quite limited. The moment I try and pan the chart it reverts back to North up.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks GPSNavX. That let's me know that I should probably buy navx and forget about trying to navigate with Navionics. I am going to study a little more about the difference in the two systems.
Both apps have different feature sets and can both be used. Neither are cost prohibitive.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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