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Title: Basic Install Question for Charts
I have been using several charts from a CD I purchased last year, to use on our boat (iBook G4).
In spite of a decade of Mac use, I cannot see how to install new charts now so that the app will open them. I have d/l a couple of NOAA charts and they appear in a folder marked ENC_ROOT on my desktop. The one large file that is about 1.1 MB and should be the chart will not launch by doubleclicking, and I see no way to bring it into the unusual charting dialog box incorporated in the app.
Sorry to whine, but my other hundreds of text and picture files never do this to me! I must be doing something wrong on a basic level...

Do I need to keep the app and assoc chart files put in a certain place on the HD? Now they are loose in a navigation folder on the desktop.
It appears that you have downloaded NOAA ENC's (Vector charts). ENCs do not work with GPSNavX. GPSNavX works with BSB format raster charts (They are named xyz.kap, xyz.cap, or xyz.nos).

You tell GPSNavX where the charts are by pressing the "Folder..." button in the Chart List which is accessed via the "Open Chart..." on the "File" menu. Once the FOLDER is set then the charts will be listed below the World chart.

If you want to use the NOAA ENC's, then you would need to purchase MacENC...


MacENC works with both the NOAA ENC's and the BSB raster charts.

Contact gpsnavx@mac.com if you have further questions.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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