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Title: MacENC in action - UK vector charts and AIS!
GPSNavX wrote:
Quote:We live in a PC centric world. I have done much to make PC marine data (BSB charts, S-57/S-63, GRIB, Garmin) work on OS X
And for that we Mac users are very grateful :!:
Having been playing with MacEnc, the Navionics chart for the Solent and N English Channel, and a Garmin GPS60 for about 3 weeks now I must say I'm quite impressed.
A couple of points:
1. I have to set the Garmin to 'NMEA In/Out' to connect it for navigation purposes, but change the setting to 'Garmin' when transferring waypoints - I'm sure there's a logical reason for this.
2. The Navionics chart shows the low-to-high tide region as the same colour as dry land, which considerably alters the shape of the coastline, sometimes making it difficult to recognise. It would be much nicer if it followed the colour conventions of my paper chart to indicate the drying areas distinctly.
At the moment I can't use MacEnc on the boat (it's not in a fit state to have a laptop on board!) but the convenience of plotting waypoints and routes on a real chart and being able to tranfer them to the GPS makes it worth the money. It will be even better when I get the laptop on board (after I've sorted out the leaking deck fittings and done the rewiring).
Quote:I have to set the Garmin to 'NMEA In/Out' to connect it for navigation purposes, but change the setting to 'Garmin' when transferring waypoints - I'm sure there's a logical reason for this.

MacENC uses NMEA (the standard for marine electronics communications) for plotting real-time position. It uses the proprietary Garmin mode for transfering waypoints, routes and tracks. Unfortunatlly the Garmin transfer mode lacks much of the data that NMEA provides (i.e. satellite, active waypoint/route).

Quote:The Navionics chart shows the low-to-high tide region as the same colour as dry land, which considerably alters the shape of the coastline, sometimes making it difficult to recognise. It would be much nicer if it followed the colour conventions of my paper chart to indicate the drying areas distinctly.

I have noticed that Navionics ENCs do not adhere perfectly to the S-57 ENC standard. Please contact me at macenc@mac.com so I can make MacENC handle the Navionics slight differences.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
ReeferJon Wrote:Check out http://web.mac.com/jonknight/iWeb/High%2...brary.html for the pictures.
Just found this forum, courtesy of the folks at GPSNavX.

Have you removed the pics? I get a .mac error on trying to access the page?
Try this link..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for that - looks very impressive.
I have managed to register with Chartworld and did purchase an ENC chart of Mexico from them. I followed the instructions re:Chartworld ENC's but when I select one in the Chart Manager and hit scroll to I just get a grey window. Any ideas?


ps - the registration is confusing without a doubt and I may have done something wrong there.
Just a shot here - you might try using Firefox rather than Safari. Don't know what's with Chartworld's site but I find with Firefox I can access some of their pages that Safari only gives me a gray window.

O.K., maybe I should have played around a bit more befor jumping to the "it doesn't work" conclusion. None of the cells I purchased were named - all unknown so it was just a crap shoot picking one. I found that the first half dozen cells just showed an empty grey screen - I think what I was looking at was - the ocean. I did finally manage to find a cell that had some land and it looked just fine. I also realized that the cells are initially viewable for the scale they are at, but if you increase the detail using the little slider to the right of the zoom in/out buttons you can veiw a chart at the next higher scale. Anyway, it seems to be just fine.

Sorry, I missread and thought you were refering to a grey window in Chartworld, not MacENC. Regardless, if anyone has trouble with the Chartworld website they might try using Firefox.
Hi Mac Sailors,

I'm new to this forum. I just learned about the program MacENC and it looks just like the thing I've been looking for. The photo's of Reeferjon only confirm my feelings. In order to find my way on chartworld.com, I was happy to find out that there is a helpfile to succeed. However I found that the link http://www.gpsnavx.com/MacENC/pdf/ChartWorld.pdf doesn't seem to work. Has it been changed recently?

Thanks for your help.
Here is the correct link for the ChartWorld guide:

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks a lot. Very useful.


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