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Title: Suggestion for Polar Web site
Suggest that Polar Navy include in their list of supported charts the Brasilian Raster Charts that are available free just as USA charts are available free.


( https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/dhn/index.html )
Great, thanks for the note!

I'll post this link on a blog as well.

Too bad they don't provide all charts in a single archive for a more convenient download.
If you are an X-Traverse user, the Brazil marine charts (Coastal and River) can be downloaded in one swipe ..


And you will be automatically notified of any chart updates.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The one swipe thing is huge. A couple of years ago when Brasil first made rasters available I got them all in one swipe (or click) but now one has to navigate the list one at a time and in Portuguese at that, ouch!
On my recent Brasil-Trinidad delivery I did not research and update my netbook charts from that old download, but I did have recent light list and did nav-aid checks when appropriate.
In addition I subscribed to x-travese for iNavX and then got a several year lease on iPhone version of charts for all of South America for about $15, amazing. South America chart plotter in my pocket.
One iNavX complaint is lack of x-traverse GRIB downloads for South Atlantic Region, I had to use my net book for that. One of my favorite GRIB progs is ZYGrib (multi platform form France) but I will be looking closely at using Polar more especially now that it is supporting three different GRIB models, hooray!
iNavX uses SailDocs and supports GFS and COAMPS models. I know of no limitation of GRIB coverage, but please post iNavX concerns/questions in the iNavX forum. Include a lat/lon and GRIB type.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Smile I suspect that charts from XTraverse won't be particularly useful to PolarView users.

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