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Title: GPSNavX,INavX, Navionics HD

We are new to the forum and so if this has been answered a thousand times before forgive us.

We have just bought an iPad3 and want to install some navigation software for use on our 40 foot sailing boat.

We have a Raymarine installation providing chartplotter, radar, AIS etc. and so the iPad navigation is a chart-table supplement.

There appear to be three options: iNavX, GPSNavX and Navionics HD.

Which is best for our application?

Does one app do more than the others?

the iPad will be used in Europe.

Many thanks in anticipation.

Trevor & Jo.
There are at least a dozen marine navigation applications. Each has unique features. None are so high priced that one needs to only choose one.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hello Trevor & Jo... welcome to the group.

I have a Mac running MacENC and iPhone with iNavX, and have just purchased an iPad 3 for cockpit use, which will run iNavX. I can thoroughly recommend it. GPSNavX runs on a Mac, not under iOS, so is not relevant. I am in Europe and use the Navionics charts, and find them excellent.

I have no marine plotter, and am not sure how you get data from your Raymarine system, but I guess there are others on this forum who can advise on compatibility issues.

Best of luck, Tony
I would recommend iPad3 with iNavX, due to low power consumption.

Hi. We are new to this forum so apologies if this has been asked and answered many times before but we've not found a similar posting.

We have a new iPad3 which which we wish to use at the chart table. We have a full Raymarine nav installation which is in the cockpit. The iPad is by way of back-up and planning.

It appears there are three front runners for nav software: iNavX, GPSNavX and the new Navionics HD.

We are finding it quite difficult to obtain unbiased reviews of the three packages and so come to a decision on which to buy. Our Raymarine system uses Navionics cartography.

What wold you choose and why?

Many thanks.

Trevor & Jo.
INAVX is for Ipad/Iphone and GPSNAVX is for Mac computers, both are navigation software. Navionics HD are charts to be viewed on iPads
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I am going to get an ipad-3 , just wondering how much memory would be sufficient for marine apps plus charts that most are using these days?
Visit my page: www.skipper-convoyage.com
I recommend the 32GB iPad 4G at a minimum.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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