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Title: Standard Horizon to GPSNavX via Keyspan
I'm stuck: connected GX2150 Standard Horizon AIS Radio to SH SmartAntenna. All working fine at the Radio - I can see ships, position, etc.

Connected via Keyspan Serial-USB adapter (USA 19HS) to Mac. Solid Green light on the Keyspan, Red light in the GPS dialogue box within GPSNavX.

I'm doing, or not doing, something simple......

Any ideas?.. Thanks! :-)
What port and rate are you selecting in the AIS/RADAR panel Settings drawer?

Should be: KeySerial1 or USA19.XXX, Rate: 38,400. "Use GPS port should be unchecked".
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thank you for that: yep, that got the AIS working, all looking good.

However, I was expecting that GPSNavX would source GPS data from the same connection / Port?..... I'm not seeing that.
If you want to get the GPS and AIS through one port then select "Use GPS Port" in the AIS/RADAR panel Settings drawer and select the Keyspan in the GPS panel Settings drawer.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Yep, thanks.... tried that. When I do that, I get the AIS data showing correctly, but still no GPS data for my ship.

Screen shot attached...

I appreciate your patience....
Then that says, there is no GPS NMEA data in the connection. You should see $GP___ NMEA data sentences in the GPS panel Monitor drawer after pressing the "Start" button. If you only see !AIVDM than that means only AIS data is available. If this is the case you need to sort out why the GPS NMEA data is not coming out of the AIS receiver.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hi again. I just got off the phone with Juan at Standard Horizon.

He tells me categorically that no GPS data can be output by the GX2150. They do give out DSC and AIS, but no Lat/Long co-ordinates which could be used by my Mac.

My next question for him is whether I can intercept and split the GPS data direct from the SH Smart Antenna, and send it to the Mac, even if it means to a different USB port.

I'm surprised that the GPS data doesn't get bundle somehow - I'm sure that some of the discussions on this forum have intimated that this is possible... I currently use the simple USB Puck device for GPS, but I'd like to use something more robust.
AIS receivers do not have GPS receivers built in. AIS transponders do and MacENC can use an AIS transponder to navigate with. Otherwise you have to provide a separate GPS connection.

My recommendation is use the USB GPS and then the Keyspan for AIS data selecting the correct port in the GPS and AIS panel Settings drawer respectively.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Yep, Got that.

All working now, using 2 USB ports. Many thanks for your help.

I'm using a BU-353 gps with MacENC and really like the results. I'm thinking of adding a GX2150 to the mix for a 500 mile offshore trip next week. If you connect the BU-353 to the Mac, will the GX2150 be able to pull gps data from the Mac through the serial-USB cable, or do you need a second gps dedicated to the GX2150?
Yes, you can use the MacENC GPS panel Repeat port to send GPS NMEA data to a VHF. A cable such as this works great..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks. I haven't purchased the GX2150 yet and was hoping to use the (serial -> USB) cable I already have. Based on MV Content's discussion above, I was under the impression the Keystone serial cable could be plugged into the GX2150, but now I'm not so sure. Also, can MacENC send gps data (4800 baud) and receive AIS data (38400 baud) through the same cable/port? Attached is the connections page from the GX2150 manual.
The GX2150 has a bare wire connection so unless you are handy with a soldering iron and DB-9 connectors, easier to use an adapter such as I suggested.

MacENC cannot have a different rate of sending and receiving for the same port, but MacENC receive on one port and send out on a different port at different rates.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Great, thanks! It looks like the GX2150 can be programmed to send AIS/DSC at 38400 and receive GPS data at 38400. That means the 2 USB ports on my MacBook Pro will have:
1. BU-353 gps
2. Your data cable (sending GPS data to GX2150, receiving AIS/DSC data from GX2150).

I just want to make sure it's all compatible before I spend the money. In my digging into this subject, I did learn that the Garmin AIS 600 Transponder does not export GPS data even though it has its own, dedicated GPS.
MacENC can use the NMEA data from a transponder to navigate with. Does not need the GPS NMEA data.

Yes that setup will work as you describe.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Ok, I have it set up at home so no VHF antenna connected to GX2150. BU-353 connected to Mac and USB to NMEA Serial Adapter connecting radio to Mac.
The Mac is successfully repeating GPS data to the radio through usbserial-FTUKNGR6.
When trying to connect to the AIS, I get the message:
"Unable to open port: usbserial-FTUKNGR6"

USB-serial cable has a single LED flashing red.
AIS/Radar window has red dot.
I tried connecting USB-serial yellow wire to GX2150 brown and gray (GX2150 online manual is different from manual with radio).
As noted above you cannot use the same port as the repeat port and then receive AIS NMEA data on it. You would need a second UBS to serial adapter to receive AIS. You would then select the port of the second adapter in the AIS panel Settings drawer, rate 38,400.

Also note: you will not see AIS NMEA data (!AIVDM sentence) until you actually receive AIS targets. So your AIS receiver will need to be powered on and have an antenna connected.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I must be misinterpreting what you wrote. I thought I could send gps data and receive AIS data through the same port as long as they were both at 38400.
In general you can, but in this case the AIS panel receive port and the GPS panel repeat port cannot be the same. Contact me at macenc at mac dot com and I will send you a second data cable.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hi, I'm stuck again....

My configuration is unchanged:
Macbook with GPS NavX, GPS input via Puck/USB (working), and AIS input from Standard Horizon GX, via Keyspan USB adaptor.

This had been working fine, but suddenly is not. I have updated the Keyspan driver, to work with OS-X 10.10 .

I'v attached a screenshot showing my config: I appear to be getting data - I can see ships on the Radio, what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks, Eamonn.
Uncheck "Use GPS Port" so the AIS NMEA data can come from the Keyspan as opposed to the USB GPS.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hi there,

I tried your suggestion, but to no avail. I then re-booted, with the GPS port box unchecked, but no progress.

Any thoughts? I have a solid green light on the Keyspan, and targets are to be seen on the radio.
Please contact me directly at gpsnavx at mac dot com
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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