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Title: MaxSea on IntelMac
I have been able to run MaxSea on my macbook using Parallels, except that I am unable to read NMEA GPS data from my GPS unit to give real time vessel location on the chart. Has anyone been able to do this? If not, should I give up on Parallels and try another virtual PC software such as VMWare Fusion or Bootcamp? I have flirted with the idea of getting a dedicated PC notebook for the boat in moments of weakness.....

thanks for you thoughts
A46 Great White
glenn Wrote:I have been able to run MaxSea on my macbook using Parallels, except that I am unable to read NMEA GPS data from my GPS unit to give real time vessel location on the chart. Has anyone been able to do this? If not, should I give up on Parallels and try another virtual PC software such as VMWare Fusion or Bootcamp? I have flirted with the idea of getting a dedicated PC notebook for the boat in moments of weakness.....

thanks for you thoughts
A46 Great White

Are you able to see any NMEA data or is it just GPS that is missing?
Not sure. Signal appears good from cable but boat doesn't appear on the screen. Was told by maxsea that they don't support parallels.
sorry, that not all of maxsea features will work on parallels. grib files can be loaded and routing plots can be drawn but realtime position of boat (derived from NMEA feed from GPS unit) does not appear on screen.
Which version of Maxsea do you use?

If it's just the basic version, then go for GPSNavX or MacENC, which has more features and runs native under OS X.

And the only big difference between the Pro version and MacENC is that MaxSea Pro can calculate the best route using actual position, GRIB and tides/streams data. But it only works for very long routes (like Atlantic crossing). And it has many features for racing.

But I doubt that MaxSea will run correctly under Windows on Macs, because the the Windows version on PC already has difficulties running correctly with VISTA. Plus it is protected by a hardware dongle! Which probably won't be usable on Macs.

Now that FURUNO has bought MaxSea, there will probably never be a Mac version again (the first versions were only available on Macs hence the name: MacSea which was later changed to MaxSea when ported over to PCs).
At the Boot fair in Düsseldorf this year, I haven't found MaxSea, only a preview of the next upcoming version build into FURUNO plotters!


I think it depends what operating system is "claiming" a particular USB device - you can't have two operating systems natively accessing the same USB device concurrently (well, at least not with a serial device). I've had this problem before.

If you plug in the USB > NMEA adapter before booting Windows via Parallels is will be claimed by OS X. In order to reallocate the device I believe that you need to select it from the "Devices" menu of Parallels (don't have it on this machine so can't check name) under USB devices. I think this does some kind of clever pass-through from OSX.

The easiest option is to not plug the USB adapter in until Windows has fully booted up and all services have loaded.

If you need to clarify which OS is claiming the USB adapter, look for it in Windows Device Manager on Parallels (Control Panel> System > Hardware > Device Manager) or System Profiler on the Mac.

Hope this helps..
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
why didn't I find you all ages ago! Smile

new in these parts, but thought I drop my two pen'ath in

maxsea can be made to work on an intel under parallels. after much fighting with it got ti to work with a chaepo usb gps receiver from ebay and my magellan meridian handheld

you've got to get the drivers in both os x and parallels, but the critical bit was in the config of parallels to make the new port available tot he virtual machine, so, for examplem the usb/serial adapter for the magellan created a port called PL2303-2B13 which you make available to parallels and it worked fine....

for what its worth I've played with fugawi, maptech offshore, C-mapECS, Tsunamis and loads of others as well

but having faffed on for ages.... my conclusion (arrived at last week) was... whats the point, stick macENC or gpsNAVx instead.

the interface on maxsea sucks (its sucks on them all pretty much)

being here in good old blighty though, my next task is to work out what charts to buy!
Cheapest option is Maptech's UK and Ireland raster charts for £90 here which is great value for money.

If you're looking for vector cartography then Chartworld do S57 charts by Navionics (not the same as the chartplotter-based ones) which are more expensive.. roughly 100 miles by 100 miles for £90, if I remember rightly.
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
Glenn, hope you've solved your NMEA input to MaxSea/Parallels.

I succeeded fairly easily -- and to my great surprise, using the Edgeport/8 serial-USB converter for 8 serial ports. So if it helps, it does work with Parallels 2x and 3x...

However, Parallels USB support is not reliable for me. After unpredictable interval [hours or minutes] the NMEA datastream stops. Have to disconnect/reconnect the USB port to regain data -- not very safe for navigation.

However VMware Fusion has proved to be 100% reliable for serial-> USB. Exact same configuration as for Parallels.

I have the full-blown MaxSea with routing, etc. But for routine navigation we prefer MacENC for ease of use and better ENC support. The MaxSea advantage for routine navigation is support for the French Hydro charts in MapMedia format.

Bottom line: Mac users are blessed with access to MacENC. We've spent some $3000 over 10 years buying MaxSea upgrades -- required to get essential bug fixes. Ummm... is MacENC a better value at $150?

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