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Title: Navionics Mobile Charts for iPhone
Navionics new Mobile Charts are real, genuine Navionics marine charts, providing iPhone users with the very same detail as our Gold+ XL9 Charts. They make an excellent backup tool to your fixed mount chartplotter, or an excellent reference tool when not on your boat.

Take a test cruise... try the free App, 'Navionics Viewer' available on the App Store, which includes sample marine charts of Southeastern Florida (Miami/Ft Lauderdale) with all the same features and functionality of the full version Apps. This sample App, along with several of our Apps for purchase, have recently been updated with some additional new features which include point-to-point distance measuring (viewable in Kilometers, Miles or Nautical Miles), an enhanced search feature, and tide & current data with graphic display and forecasting.

Watch for additional updates coming soon which will add even more features and functionality, and are free to existing users.
Are these charts compatible with iNavX 2?

BTW when will iNavX 2 be available?

Thx a lot.


I believe many iNavX users want to use the Navionic's charts in iNavX but do not want to have to purchase them twice. So hopefully Navionics will offer their charts for use in iNavX soon.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Well, I for one, can't wait for iNavX 2 with Navionics support.

I've bought the Navionics Mobile Charts for the UK and they're excellent as charts, but the software lacks functionality such as waypoints, routes etc.

The combination of iNavX and Navionics will be an unbeatable combination on any mobile platform.

All good things come to those who wait... but please release soon!!!
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
Navionics is very eager on making Navionics detailed vector charts available worldwide on multiple smartphones navigation software applications. We are in the process of setting up the necessary infrastructure to facilitate this. As soon as our charts become available for use with iNavX applications we will advise you.
I tried to download the navionics viewer today, well I did downlaod it, but apparently its not compatible with my iPhone - 8gig 3g iPhone

how's that work then (or not?)

to be honest, unless you can actually use the charts for something useful I don't really see the point, especially, as I've said before I already own the things on a cartridge
Your iPhone 3G is indeed compatible, but does require the iPhone 2.2.1 software update. Try this. Further tech support inquires can be directed to mobile@navionics.com.

Navionics Mobile Charts on iPhone provide an excellent backup tool to your fixed mount chartplotter, they're not intended as a replacement. The iPhone can be used in case of a power failure onboard, for your tender, your crew, or as a reference tool when you're not onboard your boat. You can measure distances from point-to-point, check tides and currents viewable graphically, query chart objects, and search for marinas and tide and current stations.

Most existing Navionics users I've spoken with love the idea that they can get their exact same Gold XL9 chart on their iPhone as they have on their chartplotter.

More features are coming soon (within just a few weeks) which will provide even more functionality and features.
Navionics Mobile Wrote:. We are in the process of setting up the necessary infrastructure to facilitate this. As soon as our charts become available for use with iNavX applications we will advise you.

Thx for clarifying, but do you have any release date or time frame? Still weeks or months?


This is likely two to three months away.
not exactly on topic, but I something I wondered about - are Navionics S57 charts encoded using the same standard (and keys) as the "official" S57 charts? I.e. - if the application supports S63 - it would be able to read those charts as well, right?
Yes Navionics S57 ENC's from www.chartworld.com are encrypted per S63 spec...


The Navionics ENCs do have a few more objects then the standard S57 spec.

MacENC is compatible with the S63 spec and the additional Navionics objects.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

I've had the Navionics free viewer on my iphone for a while now and think the combination of inavX with the navionics charts will be awesome. However I am waiting until the are available to be used with iNavX for precisely the reason that GPSNavx said I do not want to pay for the charts twice. It seems I might have to wait another 2-3 months for this to happen, until then I'm quite happy with the NOAA raster charts on iNavX. The screen refresh and redraw in the Navionics viewer is considerably faster than the Raster charts in INavX I would imagine that if iNavX was using the vector charts that the screens would update quicker???

While it has taken longer than I had wished, it does appear that Navionics charts will be coming to iNavX very soon. The delays are not technical in manner instead coming up with a distribution model that works best for iNavX (i.e. downloaded versus embedded).

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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