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Title: x-traverse - 2nd computer license
I've been experimenting with MacENC and macbook with Navionics Gold charts via the x-traverse system. I liked it and decided to build a boat computer based on a Mac min, and touch-screen and an automotive 12V supply. OK got all that up and running but now I find that I can't just transfer over my charts as the license from x-traverse is tied to hardware.

Now this sucks big time. We are told that when we download charts from x-traverse there is not time limit on them... rubbish it's about 2-years max due to the average live expectancy of computer hardware.

I can't see a way to add a second machine or transfer the license completely over to my new hardware advertised on the x-traverse site.

Does anybody know how to achieve this transfer?

Most suppliers of commercial ENC charts will supply new hardware license keys but you pay big bucks for those charts too !

Any ideas anybody?

I recommend contacting X-Traverse directly as they are the distributors of the Navionics charts. X-Traverse is bound by the licensing restrictions put in place by the chart producers.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Let us know if you solve this one, as it has kept me from buying those products too. I like to work with the charts on the home Mac, then clone the Mac to my mini but apparently that won't work either (did you try it, btw?).

Let us know what you hear from x-traverse if you pursue it with them.
Ok - so I contact x-traverse and everything begins will with the first couple of emails. I can fill in a migration request form to move the license to the new computer, which I did. Then the trouble starts.

I'm told by the support person that I have bought a product for iNavx, which is bollocks. I don't even have an iPhone! and that the maps that I have won't work with MacENC, again bollocks because they do, and that I'll have to purchase a map for which he supplies the link. This link takes me to the page for the map that I have!

Ok so I assume that the support guy is simply confused. My x-traverse account says that I don't have an app activated yet so all seems well. I run the x-traverse application and it says that I don't have any products to activate.

Confused - I sure as hell am!

But in short it seems that migration is possible. Although I'll beieve it when I actually get it to work!
If you don't have the latest version (2.11) of x-traverse, download it to see if that helps resolve the problem.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

There was an issue at X-traverse with their database or an operator error I guess. I sent them a copy of the section of my receipt showing that I did have the correct product and then the support person activated the correct product on my account and I was able to activate the charts in MacENC on the new computer.

A big pain in the butt is that it seems that I had to download the charts again though instead of just being able to get a new plist or whatever is required to license the charts to that computer. When internet is over satellite that's a lot of bandwidth I could have saved with some thought by the providers.

How come so called boating providers don't consider bandwidth in a lot of their offerings?

Anyway thanks to X-Traverse. Once everyone got their ducks in a row it wasn't that hard to transfer the license.

It also really sucks that you can't use backup hardware without buying two licenses!

Glad you got it sorted. The X-Traverse application downloads the latest versions of the chart and the important plist file which links the charts to a specific Mac.

Agree the Navionics licensing should allow two installations like the other X-Traverse charts.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I guess I shouldn't ask, but if it's a plist which ties the charts to a specific Mac, it ought to be easily editable. What does it use to ID the Mac: the MAC address?
I can't believe what a hassle it was for you. Even when they do know what's going on, it's still frustrating to jump through so many hoops for something we should be able to pay for and OWN (just like a paper chart).

I can't wait until these charts are cracked and pirated. The providers don't deserve our cash.

Oh, and hello everyone Smile

Trev Wrote:I can't believe what a hassle it was for you. Even when they do know what's going on, it's still frustrating to jump through so many hoops for something we should be able to pay for and OWN (just like a paper chart).

I can't wait until these charts are cracked and pirated. The providers don't deserve our cash.

Oh, and hello everyone Smile

not sure a bout the pirating bit, but the whole chart ownership is laughable. especially for UK charts, which we have already paid for as taxpayers to have created, but have to continuously re-buy to use in another application

Imagine buying some music on CD and being told you can't play it on the CD player in the car, or the cd player in your kitchen or office, just the Sony CD player in your living room, and if you replace that you'll have to buy another copy of the CD

the whole chart distribution industry absolutely stinks IMHO

worked it out a while ago, in the last few years I have had to buy the same charts 6 times. On a c-map cartridge for one plotter, a garmin card for another and a navionics for a third one, then another copy to use on a magellan handheld, then copies for a PC and copies for GPSNavX

then add to that the way fixed plotter manufacturers change their card formats and provide no backward compatibility.

It sucks
I am happy to let you know that x-traverse now allow a second download of a region on a second computer ! I recently download on my iMac the 46XG I installed on my PB some months ago.
No need to mail them a request. :thumbup:
So if I try and install on a second computer, it will do some sort of verification online and probably record the id of the second laptop somewhere, but not halt the install? I have a Navionics region I recently purchased, but will be obtaining a second laptop (backup) this spring, so this is very good news.

Unfortunately what FF44 has reported is just not the case. Some special circumstances resulted in him being to install the charts on a second laptop. Navionics charts from X-Traverse still only allow one installation.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Might we know what the "special circumstances" were?
French beta tester. I apologize about this: I didn't know it was caused by restore of lost link on my x-traverse account. Blush

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