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Title: Mac compatible Navtex solution
I've been wanting a Navtex box so I can read Navtex data on my Mac. Almost all boxes out there require software to interpret the data, and are PC. I don't want to contaminate/clutter my system with Windose, and, while I could probably run under Codeweaver's CrossOver, I don't want to rely on that either.

I have now purchased a Weather InfoBox WiB2 from Mörer. This is a cigarette pack sized dual band receiver with rechargable batteries and an internal antenna. It is self-powered for up to three days. When you plug it in via USB it acts like a USB memory stick. Unusually, it presents its data in HTML format and this can be browsed with Safari or similar.

Of course the internal antenna means reception is limited, and would be lousy inside my aluminium boat, but it can be left outside or carried in a pocket, and just plugged in when data is to be examined. I have it running here in Southsea, UK and it is picking up transmissions from Niton (Isle of Wight) and from Holland, amongst others. It is rather good being able to have it with me when away from the boat.

You can browse how the device appears in this demo page. This link opens at the User Manual which is also included in the device pages. Explore the menu on the left, which is as in the device and includes here some sample transmissions.

Recommended. [I have no link with Mörer.]
For how much did you bought Weather InfoBox WiB2?
£199 plus delivery from here.

You can ask Mörer for a supplier near you.

NB Be sure to get the WIB2 and not the more widely available models such as WIB2BX. Only the WIB2 has HTML output.

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